River Past Wave@MP3 3.8 River Past Wave@MP3 is a FREE WAV to MP3 converter and MP3 to WAV converter. It is extremely easy to use. Select the input file, and click "Convert", that's it!
Convert your WAVE files to put on your portable MP3 player, or convert your MP3 files... waveatmp3_setup.exe 3.54 MB
(3 707 104 bytes) File location: http://download.riverpast.com Added: 26/11/2006| Downloaded: 12/08/2012Total downloads: 0
Wave To Text 5.56 Wave To Text is an English speech recognition-based dictation pad with a WAV to text converter. The dictation pad lets you convert your voice to text in real-time, while the program's wizard enables you to convert your Windows Audio WAV files (spe... vexp007.zip 23.85 MB
(25 009 085 bytes) File location: http://www.bandwidthsaver.com Added: 04/12/2006| Downloaded: 24/02/2009Total downloads: 0