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Throttle Throttle Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - T - TH
 File name: throttle.exe Find similar »
 Size: 5 180 949 bytes (4.94 MB)
 Added: 27/10/2006 | Downloaded: 10/04/2023
 Updated: 10/04/2023
 2 559 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of ThrottleThrottle instantly upgrades your computer and modem to download files faster, browse the web faster and play games without lag. If you are tired of browsing the web and pages taking forever to load or you want to download large files faster, Throttle can instantly increase the speed of your internet. Throttle is one of the best internet acceleration software products available and works with Cable, DSL, U-Verse, Fios, dial-up, satellite and mobile phone (2G/3G/4G) internet connection types. You can easily upgrade you internet connection without having to pay extra monthly fees to your ISP using Throttle. Throttle is very safe to use and makes several Windows registry and system changes to increase the performance of your modem and internet speed; this allows you to browse the web faster, download files faster and play games without lag. These permanent changes made to your computer and modem improves how large data packets are sent between your computer and servers, it lowers the latency between your computer and servers, and how Internet Explorer simultaneously downloads images and files. With Throttle your internet will become much faster and the changes it makes to your computer are completely safe and permanent. Throttle instantly increases the speed of your internet and immediately saves you money. Throttle allows you to take advantage of a faster internet without having to pay extra monthly fees to your ISP for a more expensive internet package; try our Throttle software and instantly increase the speed you can download files, browse the web and play online games. Throttle makes several Windows registry changes to improve how networking packets are transmitted and received, we increase the buffer sizes which allows data to be transmitted and processed faster on your computer, allowing games, web browsing and downloading files to work much faster.
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Changes in the last version:
Fixed bug where application would not start for some version of the Windows 10 April Update.

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