Mix-FX Flash Animations and Buttons 1.042 
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File name:
mixfx.exe Find similar
Size: 1 467 062 bytes
(1.40 MB)
Added: 28/11/2006
| Downloaded: 03/04/2013
294 total downloads »
Mix and match your own effects with Mix-FX! Want to create amazing Flash TEXT EFFECTS, or FLASH BUTTONS, but don't have Macromedia Flash or don't know how to use it for complex animations? Don't worry, Mix- FX comes to your rescue. This simple-to-use program lets you create absolutely stunning effects in just seconds. What is Mix-FX? It's a text and background effect animator. With Mix-FX, you can create hundreds of different effect combinations. Change sizes and colors and you have millions of possibilities! Load your the effect you just created into Flash, into your PowerPoint presentation, directly onto your website, into your video editing software or for professional broadcasting. In Mix-FX what you see is what you get. Customize effects by changing the settings and see the results immediately! Want to see for yourself what Mix-FX can do for you? Take a look at some of the samples and see the incredible small files sizes yourself! Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Improved installer
File location: http://www.mix-fx.com
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