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File name:
linkman.exe Find similar
Size: 760 705 bytes
(742.88 KB)
Added: 12/11/2006
| Downloaded: 08/03/2025
1 201 total downloads »
Link Manager is intended to help you conveniently and effectively manage your favorite internet links. It has a familiar Explorer-like user interface so it will not be difficult to master it. Link Manager allows you to arrange your links in folders like in Internet Explorer Favorites. But Link Manager gives you more convenient means for working with favorites: you can copy or cut links or folders to clipboard and then paste them in the other folder. Also you can use drag and drop for working with collections of links, open links in open or new browser window, export/import links to/from Internet Explorer Favotites. Link Manager supports unlimited number of undo operations. The format in which data are stored is XML, which gives you a lot of opportunities to exchange this information between different applications and even platforms. For example you can import your collection entries into database or use a collection (which is stored as an XML file) in your favorite browser as starting page. Detailed description »
File location: http://www.one.com.ua
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