A-MAC Address Change 6.0  |
Category: Programs |
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File name:
amac.exe Find similar
Size: 796 165 bytes
(777.50 KB)
Added: 25/11/2006
| Downloaded: 22/08/2013
Updated: 27/08/2010 |
551 total downloads »
Find and change Mac Address in seconds! Scan Mac Address within any range of IP address. Exports the scanning results from a Mac Address Lookup list. Spoofing the Mac Address of your network card to any new Mac Address.It makes ping mac address possible.Use this mac address finder to search proper mac address. It is not only a mac address scanner but also a spoofer. Wake on Lan. Win ipconfig.Port Scan. It scan any range of IP for the proper Mac Address. It's shockingly easy to use — just a simple input and click, that's it! It supports exporting scanning results to txt file. It runs on all Windows? operating systems (i.e., win7/vista/95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP/2003). It checks your Mac Address inputting. It recommends the proper Ethernet network card. It displays the information of your computer. (i.e. your computer name, Mac Addresses and IP etc.) It support changing mac address searching speed. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
Mac Address scan fast, export mac addresses to txt files, change or spoofing mac address for NT/95/98/2k/2003/Xp/Me
File location: http://amac.paqtool.com
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