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TuneUp Utilities 2006 Add file to the favorites

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - T - TU
 File name: TU2006TrialEN.exe Find similar »
 Size: 9 282 056 bytes (8.85 MB)
 Added: 12/10/2006 | Downloaded: 02/01/2015
 847 total downloads »
TuneUp Utilities
Make Windows look and run the way you want it to
TuneUp SystemControl allows you to easily customize the operating system to suit your needs. You can turn off annoying optical effects, secure your system or add useful functions to Internet Explorer.
With TuneUp Styler, you can give Windows your own personal note by replacing icons or even by redesigning the entire interface, welcome screen and boot screen under Windows XP.

Repair problems and remove unnecessary clutter
A lot of unrequired garbage collects on your hard disk during normal usage. TuneUp DiskCleaner scans your hard disk for these unnecessary files and removes them. Another useful tool is TuneUp RegistryCleaner, which finds and solves problems caused by invalid entries, references and links in the Windows registry. Programs that you don't use anymore can be comfortably removed with TuneUp Uninstall Manager.

Optimize the performance of your computer
With the new 1-Click Maintenance, frequent maintenance tasks such as cleaning the hard disk and the registry can be completed with a single mouse click or even automatically on a scheduled basis. TuneUp System Optimizer optimizes your system and internet settings and provides you with valuable information on how to improve your computer's configuration. TuneUp MemOptimizer monitors your system in the background and optimizes your memory when necessary.

Keep Windows under your control
TuneUp Process Manager and TuneUp Registry Editor offer improved functions when administering your system in comparison to Windows' built-in tools. With TuneUp StartUp Manager you can choose which programs should be launched during boot-up and user logon. TuneUp System Information provides extensive information about your computer's hardware and software.

Recover important files and protect your privacy
TuneUp Shredder protects your privacy by securely deleting sensitive files. Recover deleted files using TuneUp Undelete.
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Changes in the last version:
NEW! Completely redesigned interface
NEW! Corrects up to 400% more errors
NEW! Configures and optimizes Mozilla Firefox
NEW! Customize icons, the window style and the boot and welcome screens under Windows XP
IMPROVED! Automatically scans your system for settings that might be slowing

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