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 Innovative System Optimizer 3.0

Category: Programs
Directory - Programs - S - SY
 File name: SystemOptimizer3.exe Find similar »
 Size: 7 347 880 bytes (7.01 MB)
 Added: 09/10/2008 | Downloaded: 09/09/2016
 173 total downloads »
Innovative System Optimizer helps your computer respond faster to your commands by accelerating some of the key components of Windows Vista and Windows XP. Innovative System Optimizer contains many tools which work together to increase your computer's overall performance. By improving your computer's responsiveness, this powerful PC optimizer will save you precious time and make your computer work like new.

The program includes tools for optimizing the operation of your hard-disk, registry, memory and startup programs, plus cleaning tools to ease your system's workload and speed it up even further.
Innovative System Optimizer has a "One Click Optimizer" to help you optimize your computer quickly and without wasting time. This automatically runs all the optimization tools to give you peak performance, while still allowing you to tune each optimization option.

The hard-disk defragmenter will accelerate access to your files by making the hard-disk work at maximum efficiency. The registry cleaner and defragmenter increase the speed at which the Windows registry is read and written, which in turn increases the speed of many programs.

The memory optimizer helps regulate the memory usage of the programs you run so free memory is more often available for the programs that request it. This will give an extra speed boost for those programs that are especially resource-intensive and require a lot of memory.

A powerful history cleaner works together with the registry cleaner to protect your privacy and to keep your registry free of garbage.

The startup manager gives you total control over the programs that run at startup which helps you remove annoyances, gain more free RAM and increase your system's speed.

Don't put up with poor computer performance! Download Innovative System Optimizer now and use the One Click Optimizer to increase your computer's speed and responsiveness!
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Changes in the last version:
The new One Click Optimizer uses all the optimization tools automatically to get you the best possible performance out of your Vista or XP computer.

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