Premium Booster 
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File name:
PremiumBoosterInstall.exe Find similar
Size: 4 705 505 bytes
(4.49 MB)
Added: 13/04/2010
| Downloaded: 06/01/2017
Updated: 04/08/2010 |
168 total downloads »
Maintaining your PC in good shape is usually a complete pain for its user. One should always be on guard against bunch of factors which can significantly decrease your computer's speed. The best way to prevent hindering of any kind is to conduct regular cleaning/defrag procedures to your registry.
Now you may wonder why do you need to perform registry defragmentation after it's been cleaned. The point of registry cleaning is to remove all erroneous and outdated entries. This allows to reduce size of registry files by simply throwing away all the garbage they contain. Defragmentation will further on grant your registry a linear structure. This is very important to keep your registry in a shape like that, because this way applications and Windows itself will need less time while making read/write calls to registry files.
Premium Booster is able to perform these and many other enhancement operations to your PC. You should always keep in mind that sometimes really weird modules may be written to your startup sections. Our program has a powerful startup wizard which lets you identify what exactly is listed in your autorun and startup sections and in case you read that this is a dangerous or simply uselless program yopu can easily remove it. Premium Booster has a large database with descriptions for many known startup modules making it an easy task for you to manage you startup.
You should surely try Premium Booster to see all its features! Many people have tried it by far and have come back with good feedbacks telling that it actually works! Many have admitted the fact that Premium Booster has a really user frinedly GUI and is quite easy to use. You may be searching all the web for another application with a similar feature set, but then you will just waste your time, because you won't find another Premium Booster as it's truly unique! Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
+/- Improved Windows 7 compatibility +/- Improved compatibility with Adobe Software Packages - Fixed problem with false virus detection
File location: http://www.premiumbooster.com
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