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Alien Outbreak 2: Invasion

Category: Games
Directory - Games - A - AL
 File name: AlienOutbreak2Invasion.exe Find similar »
 Size: 17 630 008 bytes (16.81 MB)
 Added: 15/03/2011 | Downloaded: 09/06/2013
 Updated: 09/06/2013
 80 total downloads »

Alien Outbreak 2: Invasion tells about new adventures of a brave cosmo pilot. He has to defend the Galarion system from the attack of four hostile alien races, which are sending more than forty types of battleships into action. In each of eight missions of the game he will have to battle nine waves of attacking hostile destroyers and win exciting duels with a space fortress.

With every new wave your enemies grow more and more aggressive, their armament becomes stronger and more powerful and ships are more maneuverable. But your cosmo fighting skills, little by little, improve. Different bonuses fall out from the destroyed enemy ships: they improve your basic weapon, provide your ship with additional super-power armament, make the protective systems better and supply you with other useful tools.

No doubt, the game will fascinate all the shooter fans! Alien Outbreak 2: Invasion is a minimum of reflection, maximum of swift action and real firework of colorful special effects on the monitor.


8 missions

80 unique levels

4 unique enemy races

32 different enemy crafts with unique weapons and attack strategies

8 super bosses

10 different primary weapons and 3 super-weapons

5 types of bonuses

teeth-crushing and dynamic gameplay

crowds of enemies and a host of explosions

superb graphics

powerful sound effects and 6 music themes

over 20 space backgrounds

stunning visual effects

mouse control


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