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Sothink DHTML Menu Builder Sothink DHTML Menu Builder 7.1 Add file to the favorites

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 Size: 11 367 909 bytes (10.84 MB)
 Added: 14/10/2006 | Downloaded: 19/10/2016
 Updated: 05/10/2012
 385 total downloads »
Sothink DHTMLMenu is a professional DHTML menu builder, which helps web designer to create beautiful menus. It is unnecessary to be familiar with JavaScript or DHTML acknowledge, just with Sothink DHTMLMenu, you can build DHTML drop down or popup menus in few minutes. The generated menus are compatible with almost all browsers, IE 7.0 and Opera 9 included. Seamlessly integrate with Dreamweaver as an extension and FrontPage as an add-in. And also, Sothink DHTMLMenu can make dynamic database-driven menus by supporting ASP, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, etc. Friendly to search engine, using Search Engine Friend Code Maker or Google XML Sitemap, your menu contents or website's links are found by the crawlers from search engine, and then your website is listed on the top of the searched result, which adds more discovery chance to the public. Thousands of menu items with unlimited hierarchical levels are in a navigation menu, and the number of DHTML menu in one page is not limited. The pop-up menu can have multi-levels. It can be fully customizable by changing text, font, link, background, border style, and special effect. Sothink DHTMLMenu has user-friendly interface, which includes menu panel, preview panel, property panel and tasks panel. They make you create DHTML menu easily and preview the menu in your favorite browsers instantly. Building highlighted menu, scrolling menu, cross-frame menu is not difficult, you can use program to create them with ease. Built-in templates have five types; you can choose any one that you like to build a new menu; if you just prefer to apply the style of menu item, you also choose from pre-designed styles. After creating DHTML menus, Publish Wizard is available to guide you publishing menu into web page, there are four options to meet the different users in Publish Wizard, from beginner to web expert, anyone can follows the wizard to publish your menu into webpage step by step. With Sothink DHTMLMenu, you can build DHTML menu easily!
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Changes in the last version:
When editing menu, if you have set the status text for an item with link, the status text can not show correctly. . The nested . . . multiple iframes will affect the auto-highlight function of menu. . When you replace an image in Image Library, preview . . . window does not refresh to show the new image. . If you input incorrect value in dialog "Append Multi Sub Item" and click . . . "Cancel", a prompt message will show instead of . closing the dialog. . If you only change the setting of option "Show this

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