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Radmin Remote Control Radmin Remote Control 3.01 Add file to the favorites

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 Size: 8 182 002 bytes (7.80 MB)
 Added: 09/04/2007 | Downloaded: 01/06/2012
 Updated: 22/12/2009
 132 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of Radmin Remote ControlRadmin (Remote Administrator) is the popular, award winning secure remote control software which enables you to work on a remote computer in real time as if you were using its own keyboard and mouse. You can remotely access the same computer from multiple places and use advanced File Transfer function, multi-user Text and Voice chat, Remote Shutdown and Telnet. Radmin supports multiple monitors, folder management in Radmin phonebook, scan for available Radmin Servers, mouse wheel support and many others. Radmin’s widely recognized benefits are its high speed, strong security, and solid reliability.

Radmin utilizes unique DirectScreenTransfer technology that provides unprecedented speed of work with a minimal CPU usage. The major advantage of DirectScreenTransfer is that it receives data directly from Windows, before it ever gets to the Video RAM.

Radmin 3.0 fully supports Windows Vista 32 bit, including User Account Control and Fast User Switching. Another important feature of Radmin 3.0 is its extremely reliable security system, which provides a very high level of data protection from interception or all types of malicious attacks. Radmin 3.0 demonstrates a remarkable increase of security due to its integration with professional developments such as Windows Security, 256 bit AES data encryption for all data transferred, NTLM/Kerberos and Active Directory support. User authentication is substantiated by a modified Diffie-Hellman 2048 bit algorithm. The new increased levels of Radmin Security protect all the active data on the network. Access rights are individual for each user. Special IP-filter tables restrict access to specific IP addresses and sub-networks.

With Radmin software your helpdesk technicians can remotely control user PC anywhere on a LAN, WAN or the Internet. Radmin is extremely popular among telecommuters and mobile travelers and widely used by big corporations for the network management and helpdesk.
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Changes in the last version:
Multi-user Text and Voice Chat; Advanced 256 bit AES encryption; Full support of multiple monitors; New color modes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 bits; New Video Hook Driver: DirectScreenTransfer; Scan for active Radmin Servers; Remote Screen smooth scaling; Mouse wheel support; Windows Vista support.

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