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01/02/2008, 03:12, Author: denzab
New release of desktop replacement Aston. Improved support for Windows Vista, increased performance and stability of the programme, better support for systems with multiple monitors and corrected some errors.
This program provides a complete replacement for the standard Windows desktop more attractive and functional. Replacing All interface elements: windows; labels; Quick Launch, Taskbar, etc. By assurances of developers with appropriate setting, in addition to benefit in the form of visual identity, the program is able to save more computing resources, thereby increasing overall performance. Also, the program supports plug-ins that add the desktop additional features. Download (Shareware, 7.8 MB)
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xp style, windows |
15/01/2008, 07:01, Author: denzab
Program for the interface change WindowBlinds. A company Stardock is widely known by lots of programmes to customize the appearance of the Windows operating system.
WindowBlinds is the main competitor of the Style XP program - the same substance. StyleXP differs from the principle of work: The program uses its own module taking a less resources than standard Windows GUI which uses Style XP. Overall: program changes the appearance of windows, buttons, cursor, Start bar, etc. In the arsenal has several particularly attractive themes that can be found in a great number of additional stuff.
xp style, windows |
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