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02/07/2008, 03:49, Author: denzab

Published an update for Firefox 2. While most users programme has already migrated to the third version, some, for various reasons (for example, because of the incompatibility of extensions), still prefer this one. This version has security updates and fixes several vulnerabilities (including the critical 5). 

Firefox - is a revised browser a part of communications package Mozilla Suite. By removing additional programs (mail client, IRC client and HTML editor), the program has become considerably compact. I would like to note that Firefox supports powerful system of plug-ins, which can greatly enhance the browser functionality, adding a lot of opportunities. 

To sum it up: the highest quality of performance, support for all modern www-standards, user-friendly interface, stability, high speed - is the list of characteristics by which the browser has a full right to be the best.
Download (6.37 MB - Open Source, MPL)  

browser, mozilla

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