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USB over Network USB over Network 5.2.2 Add file to the favorites

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 Size: 28 234 429 bytes (26.93 MB)
 Added: 26/02/2009 | Downloaded: 27/09/2018
 Updated: 27/09/2018
 37 total downloads »
Look at screenshot of USB over NetworkYou can easily share an external USB drive or a printer over a network. But why can't you share all the rest of your USB devices just as easily? Lab instruments, scanners, cameras, card readers, bar code scanners, PDAs, USB keys and others are usually considered to be non-shareable. Thus, normally you need to move your USB devices from one computer to another. Sometimes, though, this is not an easy task, especially when you need to use a device that is physically located in another building or even another city. USB is the standard interface used by most modern computer devices today. But, USB was designed to connect electronic peripherals only to a single computer. Previously, the only way to share a non-shareable device was to buy an expensive hardware USB switch. A hardware switch takes up space, consumes power and is often quite expensive.

USB Over Network is a revolutionary software solution from FabulaTech. No need to move devices from one computer to another, and no need to buy expensive hardware switches. You can access a USB device connected to a remote computer from your computer via a LAN or the Internet as if it were physically plugged into your own PC.

The program consists of a "Server" and a "Client". You should install the Server on the computer to which the device you want to share is physically connected. You can install the Client on all PCs from which you need to access the shared device. USB Over Network is easy to install and use. It supports a wide range of USB devices. The program does not require any special knowledge and installs easily right out of the box. Share your USB device without risk of losing it! Access remote instruments without leaving your chair!
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Changes in the last version:
Compatibility with latest License Server has been added. Small bugs have been fixed.

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