Direct WAV MP3 Splitter 3.0 
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dmp3split.zip Find similar
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(2.49 MB)
Added: 01/10/2007
| Downloaded: 05/06/2016
Updated: 27/04/2014 |
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A user-friendly tool for splitting up large MP3 and WAV files, Direct WAV MP3 Splitter is a fully-featured solution that gets the job done quickly and without loss of quality. Files are also split without recompression. Aside from its MP3 split ability, the software is also a WAV splitter for extra versatility. The most powerful and useful feature of the program is its ability to detect pauses and silences in the track. The silence detection allows the software to automatically split up the audio files when it detects pauses between tracks. This is particularly useful when working with MP3 or WAV recordings of old media such as cassette tapes or records. Tracks can also be split up at file size intervals or time intervals. Files of any size are supported and audio can also be played within the program before splitting. There is also a visual audio graphics representation available of the audio files. In addition, CUE files and own file format are also supported. To find out more or download a trial version of the software, visit the site at http://www.pistonsoft.com/mp3-splitter.html. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
- A minimum Sound Duration added to Pause Detection; - Ability to work with files up to 999 hours; - Correct read\write CUE files Artist\Album tags; - and few bugs fixed in the Direct WAV MP3 Splitter..
File location: http://www.pistonsoft.com
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