Caricature Studio 2.0 
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(6.61 MB)
Added: 14/12/2008
| Downloaded: 18/01/2013
Updated: 26/01/2011 |
131 total downloads »
Create instant caricutures from photos! Just like caricature artists at your favorite amusement park, now you can quickly create hilarious cartoon portraits of your friends, family....even celebrities! With Caricature Studio 2.0 you can open any photo and instantly morph anyone into a caricature. You can add funny clip art images such as hats, talk bubbles, text boxes....add text anywhere on the photo. Use your creations for custom posters, greeting cards, web graphics, the possibilities are endless. We'll even show you how to create caricature gifts such as coffee mugs and T-shirts. Looking for a memorable gift? Create something personable that they'll absolutely love! Caricature Studio 2.0 is the only software of it's kind that was specifically created to allow anyone to create caricature art quicky and easily....with hilarious results. Detailed description »
Changes in the last version:
New Release
File location: http://www.carnisoft.com
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